Pitmaston Pineapple

The first Pitmaston Pineapple apple tree was bred in the 1780’s by a Mr White, an employee of Lord Foley of Witley, who sold the breed to a nursery called Williams of Pitmaston. An old, very distinctive dessert variety producing small golden apples that are...

D’Arcy Spice

D’arcy Spice apple tree originated a garden at Tolleshunt D’arcy, Essex in 1785. Great flavor in a plain package. The D’arcy Spice apple has a yellow-green skin, flushed with russet patches surrounding a fine, firm crisp flesh with subtle spicy...

Belle De Boskoop

Belle De Boskoop apple tree originated from seed in 1856 in the nursery of the Ottlander family in Boskoop, Holland. The Belle de Boskoop apple is a large greenish-yellow fruit with rough skin and dark red blush on exposed fruits. Crisp, tangy, highly aromatic flesh...

Claygate Pearmain

The Claygate Pearmain apple tree was discovered at Claygate, Surrey in England in a hedge by John Braddick in 1821.  He brought it to the attention of the Royal Horticultural Society and it went on to become a very popular eating apple in Victorian times.

Orleans Reinette

Orleans Reinette apple tree was first described in France around 1776.  Today it’s grown throughout Europe but remains elusive. The Orleans Reinette apple is a cinnamon russet/red flush fruit with a undercoat of glowing gold ” suggesting  that if Rembrandt...