
Red Regent Apple Tree Info: (‘Daniels Red Duchess’ x ‘Delicious’ Red) University of MN, 1963. Very popular apple in Minnesota. Medium to large red apple. Flesh is juicy and crisp. Flavor is an outstanding balance of sweet and tart. Excellent for fresh eating and...

Connell Red

Connell Red apple is an improved sport of Fireside apple. While Fireside has a striped skin, Connell Red is a solid orange/red in color when fully ripe. The fruit can get very large and is excellent for fresh eating.


The Fireside apple tree originates from Minnesota where it has many admirers. The Fireside apple was developed in the early 1940’s when the country listened to Roosevelts’ “Fireside Chats” which likely beget its name. This large apple is...

NY 18491

Bred at Geneva, New York, USA, mid-20th century.  NY18491 never got named, or gained large popularity despite its excellent qualities.  Crisp, with strong flavour nicely balancing sweet and sharp


Cross between a Newtown Pippin and McIntosh.  Small, red, firm and crisp apple. Good for eating and cooking.