
Nonpareil is one of the oldest of all apple varieties.  The Victorian pomologist Robert Hogg believed it came from France to England in the 16th century, and noted that its aromatic qualities were apparently better appreciated in England than in the land of its...

Westfield Seek-no-Further

The Westfield Seek-no-Further apples are round, pale to dull red over pale green background.  Prominent spotting dots. The flesh is white, fine grained tender with a rich sweet flavor. This apple is best for fresh eating.

Smokehouse Apple

Smokehouse apple is a tender, but firm, exceedingly juicy, with yellow tinged flesh. The Smokehouse apple has a fresh cider flavor.

Pixie Crunch

These smaller apples are super crunchy, very sweet, juicy, and full of flavor. One of the sweeter apples with a slight hint of tartness.

Hudson Golden Gem

Hudson’s Golden Gem apple is perhaps the finest eating russet with crisp, breaking, sugary flesh and a distinct nutty flavor that resembles the Bosc pear.