
The Harrison cider apple is one of the most famous 18th-century American cider apples, primarily used for the production of apple cider. Grown in New Jersey before and after the American Revolution, it fell out of favor by 20th century. The Harrison cider apple was...

Pink Lady

Pink Lady® apples were born down under in the 1970s under the cultivar name Cripps Pink (see below for more on the cultivar name!). A researcher named John Cripps, who worked for Western Australia’s Department of Agriculture, crossed the American classic Golden...


Suncrisp apples were developed by Dr. Fred Hough and Catherine Bailey at the Rutgers Horticultural Research Farm in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The variety was created from a cross between cortland and cox’s orange pippin apples, known as NJ303955, and the resulting...


Stayman is a high-quality dessert apple. Tree yields large, firm, wine-spicy fruit with a deep red color. Fruit makes a gorgeous addition to fruit bowls and gift baskets. Stores well. First raised by Dr Stayman of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA in the 1860s.  The variety...


The Spigold apple tree is a delicious blend of flavor of its parents, Northern Spy and Golden Delicious.  Bred in NY in 1962, The Spigold is a large yellow fruit with firm,  juicy flesh that carries an aromatic spicy flavor. It’s hard to believe that such a...