Yellow Newton Pippin

The original seedling is alleged to have stood on the estate of Gershom Moore in Newtown, Long Island in 1805. Firm and keeps well, of high quality for apple cider.

Winter Banana

Originated on the farm of David Flory near Adamsboro, IN in 1876. A yellow apple with pinkish blush and wax-like appearance. Distinctly aromatic and mild in flavor. (Voted the most beautiful apple by the Leadbeater family.)


Thought to have originated in New Jersey and described in 1817 as an important NJ cider apple. Planted primarily in southern states (especially Virginia). Firm, yellowish flesh with a powerful sweet-sour contrast, and spicy wine-like flavor.

Roxbury Russet

One of the oldest named varieties, first grown in Roxbury, MA around 1649. A greenish gold fruit overlaid with brown. One of a group of Russets named because of their brown “leather” skin. Crisp with a sweet yellow flesh. Keeps well.

Pomme Grise

Thought to be of Canadian origin around 1830. Hardy apple with grey russeting.