Swiss Gourmet

Cross between Golden Delicious and Ida Red, originating in Switzerland. One of the three most popular new varieties in Europe.


Known as “Fameuse” and thought to be the parent of the McIntosh. It is speculated that the origin is French or Canadian. Beautiful in appearance with tender white flesh.

Roxbury Russet

One of the oldest named varieties, first grown in Roxbury, MA around 1649. A greenish gold fruit overlaid with brown. One of a group of Russets named because of their brown “leather” skin. Crisp with a sweet yellow flesh. Keeps well.

Ribston Pippin

Believed raised around 1707 from seeds brought from Rouen, France to Ribston Hall near Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England. Parent of the Cox’s Orange Pippin. The most highly esteemed Victorian dessert apple. Acidic, intense, rich, aromatic flavor.