Karmijn de Sonnaville

Karmijn de Sonnaville was raised by Piet de Sonnaville, an apple enthusiast who had prevoiusly worked at the well-respected horticultural research school of the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands.  Starting in 1949 he created numerous crosses, primarily using...


The Lady is a historic apple cultivar originating in Brittany, France in at least 1628. The cultivar has gained a variety of known names in English, and is commonly referred to as Api or the Lady Apple.  A common claim is that the apple originates at the times of...

Tolman Sweet

Tolman Sweet apple tree is one of America’s oldest varieties. No one knows when and where it originated, but some think it may have been a cross between Sweet Greening and a Russet that was found growing in Dorchester, MA well before 1700. Tolman Sweet apples are...

Kingston Black

The Kingston Black, also known as Black Taunton, is a cultivar of apple originating from the United Kingdom and used in making cider. The name of the cultivar comes from the apples’ dark red or purplish skin, though despite the name, the fruit does not have...


This dessert-apple tree is disease-resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew. Fruit has a tart, tangy flavor that sweetens with age. Excellent fresh or in pies and crisps. Introduced circa 1993. Ripens in mid-to-late October.